Serving Our Neighbors
Want to make a difference? Looking for a church that is walking the walk, and not just talking hot air?
We are growing in our understanding of how to love our neighbors. We have several on-going projects that meet the needs of neighbors in need. As we move forward and grow, we want to develop new projects that build relationships among people to make a long-term transformation in lives and communities.
Join us as we learn to love our neighbors as God loves them.

Ecumenical Partnership for Housing
Our church sponsors one of the housing units managed by the Ecumenical Partnership for Housing. These units give families a safe place to live while transitioning from a shelter to a stable employment and housing plan.
Our church works hard each year to clean and prepare our unit for a new family as each family moves on to permanent housing.
Please give generously each September as we raise money to support this effective program to support our neighbors.

Love in Action
Love sewing? Want to provide special items to help others?
Our Love in Action Group makes many items that bring comfort to our neighbors. They create sanitary pads for school girls in Africa and sturdy denim quilts for veterans.
You can donate old jeans and fabric, or come and cut cloth or sew together quilts.
They are also weaving waterproof mats for people to use in a variety of living situations.

Seasoned Seniors
We offer a hearty luncheon and special presentation and devotion for older adults in the fall and winter. Join us at 11 am on the 2nd Thursdays for food and fun.
50-60 people gather each month. We offer crosswords and word finder puzzles while we gather, a brief presentation on an interesting topic, a spiritual devotion led by the pastor, and great food.
Suggestion Donation: $5
Bring a friend.
Volunteers Welcome!