Where Does the Money Go?
Your generous donations make all the ministry of our church possible! From kids learning about how God loves them, to lively luncheons for senior citizens in the winter, to Bible studies and service projects in our community, all money is put to work connecting people to God and community.
Click to see a Narrative Budget that shows how we spend donations across our ministry focus areas.

Annual Fundraising Campaigns
Every fall, we celebrate the ministry of our church! We have a fun and engaging campaign to raise money for continuing our ministry connecting to God and our community. Fall 2024 we will explore how Jesus invites us to follow him and fish for people. Come in November and celebrate how we connect to God and community in new ways.

Wills, Memorials & Endowment Fund
Our church has an endowment fund invested for the future of our ministry. Are you looking to invest some of your resources to keep our ministry going for future generations? Please contact our Jane Van Asten Greenwood or Jane Deuster to get involved. Our Endowment Fund is managed by the Wisconsin United Methodist Foundation.

Cold Soup Sale Fundraiser
Caring Team Ministry
Every winter our Caring Ministry Team sponsors a Cold Soup sale. Come by and pick up a quart jar of homemade soup to enjoy on cold winter nights. All proceeds support our caring ministry: sending cards to homebound members, providing supplies for our weekly fellowship coffee and snack time, providing gift bags to new guests.

Electronic Giving
Like the convenience of electronic giving? We've got options!
Give/Donate Button: Give through Stripe services.
PayPal: Give through PayPal and set up an automatic recurring donation.
Venmo: Want to make a quick donation? Look for Suamico United Methodist Church on your Venmo app.
Bank Auto-Checks: Use your Bill Payment feature through your personal bank to have your bank send checks or EFT to our church.
Gift Cards/ Scrip Fundraiser
Building Fund
We invite you to support our church by doing your regular Shopping & Gift Giving with Gift Cards that you’ve purchased from us. You receive full value for every $ spent – no added cost – and church receives a rebate of 2.5 - 16% on each card. That profit goes directly to our Building Debt Retirement.
Every week we have cards on hand for gas, groceries, dining, & other retailers for you to purchase and use immediately. We have Amazon in stock and it's very easy to use by just putting the number from the card on your order form. We have access to over 700 businesses that we will order for you. The complete list is online at RaiseRight.com. We have additional local businesses to choose from as well. Who wouldn’t like a gift card from Festival, Meijer, Fleet Farm, or Culvers?
NEW: Use the app to order quickly! Download Raise Right for your smart phone, and get our church's code from Kay to give without needing cash or checks.
Leaders: Donna Schneider, Kay Waugh.

Booyah Stew Sale Fundraiser
Building Fund
Are you hungry for some hot, fresh, boneless, skinless, Booyah?
Come and get it!
We have a Drive-Thru Booyah sale. Our sanitized containers will be prefilled and put directly in your vehicle. Check church calendar for Booyah sale dates.

How We Use Our Resources