Digital Church
Church is not a place, it's a family relationship. We can't always be together in the same place, but we can gather online as well as on-site. We offer ways to grow with Jesus beyond worship through our digital connection.
We use five spiritual practices to grow as followers of Jesus, and we are expanding our online church to reflect our practices.
Worship online.
Send prayer requests.
Weekly Sermon devotions.
Make a difference through the micro-loan project.
Give with electronic donation.
Share your faith story with others.
Link to church activities on social media.
Worship Sundays 9am or On Demand
Microloan Service Project
Want to make a difference? Join the program through! Deposit money, choose loan recipients, and relend as the money is repaid. This is a program that lets people choose their own plan for progress and helps with funding that banks won't support. Choose projects in Wisconsin, the US, or around the world. After you start your account, join the Suamico United Methodist Team so we can track how we are making a difference in the world!
Pastor Anna-Lisa has been helping people who make plans to change their lives through funding micro loans since 2007.
Daily Bible Reading YouTube or Podcast
Read through the Bible in one year, starting whenever it works for you. Pastor Anna-Lisa is posting her daily reflections from her own reading to audio podcasts.
Electronic Donations
Help support our ministry of connecting our loving God and reaching out to our community and neighbors. Give today.