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Committee Leadership

Our committees are the life blood of our congregation. They do the work to keep us running and staying connected. Thanks for all you do!

Church Council: Makes the major decisions that affect the life of the church in the areas of governance, planning, legal and financial matters. All major activity areas of the church are represented on the council, following the guidelines in the Book of Discipline.

Finance Team: Manages funding the mission of the church. They handle the church budget, pay bills, track expenses and develop the annual stewardship campaign. 

Trustee TeamManage the physical upkeep of the church and clergy housing, as well as matters pertaining to insurance. 

Staff-Parish Relations Team (Personnel): Deals with the relationship of paid staff with the congregation. Its main mission is to help ensure that the gifts and skills of staff align with the needs of the church. They also support the pastor and their family as they serve our congregation. 

Worship Team: Assists the pastor in planning and implementing worship services. 

Missions Team: Oversees the outreach programs of the church, seeking to help people who are poor and disadvantaged. 

Education Team: Prepares curriculum for the church, recruits Sunday School teachers, and develops the overall educational program for people of all ages for the church. 

Media Team: Manages the technology and equipment needed for worship and ministry.

Caring Ministry Team: Helps take care of people who are a part of our faith family. 

Lay Leadership: Works with the pastor to develop non-clergy leaders to plan and execute the ministry of the congregation within the vision and goals set by the Church Council.

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